Neighborhood Greenways are streets that prioritize bicycling and are the backbone of Portland’s bicycle network. SE Clinton has been a Neighborhood Greenway for over 20 years. PBOT is testing traffic management tools to better address auto volume and speed issues that affect the greenway’s safety and comfort.
Phase I of the test is to temporarily place median diverters at 17th and 29th to block east-west auto traffic on Clinton while allowing north-south traffic at those intersections for six months.
This is an attempt to reduce auto traffic volumes on SE Clinton St to meet guidelines for Neighborhood Greenways (less than 1,500 cars/day) and to reduce auto traffic speeds on SE Clinton St to meet guidelines for Neighborhood Greenways (20 mph).
A Citizens Advisory Committee will review before and after data and community comments to recommend modifications to the Phase I improvements and potential additional traffic calming measures to be implemented in the summer of ‘16 as part of Phase II.
For more information go to or contact Project Manager Rich Newlands:, 503.823.7780. NT