Neighborhood Notes Buckman

By Susan Lindsay


Join BCA for our December 12 meeting and holiday munch! Bring cookies and/or a snack to share. We’ll provide juice, some treats and cups ‘n things. Multnomah County Board Room, 501 SE Hawthorne, 7-9 pm (Board meets same room 6-7 pm) Community members are invited to join us after the meeting at the Lucky Lab for some more potent holiday spice.

This month we host the development team for the “Goat Blocks”, the former two-block Monte Carlo site bounded by SE 11th, Taylor, Belmont and 10th. Killian-Pacific Inc. owns the property and plans to build a large multi-use development with structured parking. Come see some preliminary plans and provide your feedback on design aspects.

Leaf day confusion reigns! If you are a resident of Zone 2 Buckman, were you confused this year by City notices and barricades without enforcement? We were too. Now the Leaf Program folks have said next year cars *will* be cited and towed due to neighbor’s requests. Yet we are hearing from folks quite distressed about these changes. What do ‘you’ want?

If you have opinions and ideas on how the leaves in Zone II should be handled next year and beyond, please share them this month. We can help you represent your interests with the Transportation Bureau about this perennial issue.

BCA held a well-attended and informative forum last month on the efforts to update the Comprehensive Plan. For more information about the plan, check the Planning and Sustainability Bureau website. They have a cool map tool where you can leave directed comments.

To contact BCA directly: or by phone 503.482.8252. Want to stay in touch with the BCA and see neat pictures?  Join our community Facebook page. Finally, we are always looking for new newspaper delivery volunteers. The job is quarterly, easy and fun! Contact our newsletter distribution leader, Nancy Oberschmidt:

Thank you and best wishes for a wonderful holiday season!


Neighborhood Notes Buckman

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