HBBA Pres.: Hilda Stevens
Board meeting: Second Wed. at 8 am
Fred Meyer, SE Cesar Chavez Blvd & Hawthorne 503.775.7633Â
HotLips Hawthorne, 1432 SE 22nd Ave. 503.224.2069, continues to sponsor the monthly community writing workshops. January dates are Thurs. Jan 16, 9-11 am and Sun. Jan 26, 10-noon. www.hotlipspizza.com
Thank you to our newest 2014 members. We appreciate you and those we acknowledged last month. Active neighbors and successful businesses support the association and allow us to present events and support the District’s growth as a destination!
Sustaining Members: Grand Central Bakery.; Hawthorne Wellness Center; Buffalo Exchange; Presents of Mind; HotLips Pizza and 3 Doors Down.
Core Members: Metro Boutique; Float On; Mink; Bombay Cricket Club; NW Family and Forensic Psychological Services; Hawthorne Auto Clinic; Hawthorne Vision Center; Karen Davis L.M.T.; Pastaworks; Cedarhurst Village Apts.; Aetna Brokerage Inc.; FISH Emergency Service and HAND. (The Board is pleased to also have representatives from HAND, Sunnyside and Richmond Neighborhood Assns. keep them up-to-date on neighborhood issues at the HBBA monthly meetings.)
Hawthorne Vision Center has again volunteered to be a Sponsor of these articles for 2014. We also appreciate the local Boy Scout troop who place the American flags on the Boulevard and are happy that with your donations and dues HBBA contributes to the Scout’s ability to be involved in local and national events.
Happy New Year to you all and a special thank you to our article sponsors, Hawthorne Vision Center, the SE Examiner and to our first 2014 Benefactor: US Bank.