By Tony Jordan
At the June Sunnyside Neighborhood Association meeting we heard Portland Police’s,update on the walking patrols of Hawthorne Blvd. that took place this spring and continue into the summer. They reported a noticeable drop in complaints from neighbors and businesses. Neighbor and Master Recycler Bonita Davis provided us with great recycling information and we’re excited to be featuring her recycling tip of the month in our newsletters.
We heard from Portland Bureau of Transportation’s Rich Newlands about the proposal for the 20’s Bikeway Project. There was lively discussion about this project and we’ll resume the conversation at our July meeting and submit comments to the city afterward. Join us at the SE Uplift Fireside Room at 7 pm on Thursday July 10.
In other happenings, SNA was happy to donate to the very successful Sunnyside Crossroads street painting project at SE 42nd and SE Morrison St. We hope to see that happen again next year. Finally, we voted to write a letter in support of a street closure for the Hawthorne Street Fair. Last year’s request was denied by the city, but we’d love to see the great car-free dynamics of the Belmont Street Fair replicated on Hawthorne Blvd.