Hawthorne Business Association News October 2015

HBBA Pres.: Cassie Ridgeway, Altar


Meetings: Second Wed. at 8 am

Rivermark Community Credit Union 503.775.7633 


Does anyone read this column? If so, I’d like to ask those of you who do pay attention to, are mindful of and watch over Hawthorne Boulevard to tell us what you like and what you would like to do to help create an even better shopping and services District for you, your family, the community and each other.

We have the beginnings of a Committee called “Talking Trash” that can use some neighbor and business owner/operator energy to develop a plan for the District.

The Hawthorne Holiday Stroll is on December 5. There will be a tree-lighting at SE 41st and the Holiday Gift Guide, special entertainment and a District Theme – yet to be decided. We need Committee members for that, too.  Does anybody knows one or more Barbershop Quartets who might like to be part of the festivities?

The HBBA Board of Directors, the 12 people elected to officially be aware of the needs, successes and short-comings of the Boulevard for its retail businesses, service providers, property owners and customers, are meeting soon to develop the 2016/17 Work Plan. Help them do a good job with and for you by letting us know your compliments, concerns, possible solutions and availability to help make your favorite idea/event/change happen. You do not have to be on the Board or a business person to be involved.

What about a Pub Crawl and/or a Cherry Blossom Festival? Contact us at 503.775.7633 or nchapin@tsgpdx.com.

Welcome to new and renewing members: Anisha and Holistic Physical Therapy, Caplener Realty Group, Nakhon, Blue Moon Salon, Brick & Mortar Barbershop, Sake’ Izahaya, Manly & Sons, Naked City Clothing and US Bank.

Article sponsors: Hawthorne Vision Center and The SE Examiner and 2015 HBBA Benefactors: Burgerville and Fred Meyer.

Hawthorne Business Association News October 2015

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