Buckman December 2016


By Susan Lindsay

Housing now! This is the call from many who are disturbed to see so many homeless persons living in tents or crafted structures on the sidewalks throughout the inner east side and in the large CEID. The city has spent millions of dollars since the housing emergency was declared…so why are so many people still outdoors in a very wet winter?

Where did the money go, and how can we expand shelter options, access land and build tiny houses or pods, sooner rather than later? BCA has invited our housing Commissioner Dan Saltzman, newly-elected County Commissioner Sharon Meier and Marc Jolin, director of A Home for Everyone, to attend our Thursday, December 8 general meeting so we can have a collaborative and constructive discussion about creating some fast-tracked solutions to getting people into shelter, off the sidewalks and under bridges and out of the rain.

All are welcome, bring your ideas, positive suggestions and energy and cookies! We’ll provide some refreshments and folks are encouraged to bring holiday treats to share. 7-9 pm Dec. 8th, Multnomah County Board Room, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd.

The BCA Board meeting precedes and begins at 6:20 pm promptly. On the board agenda, proposed changes to parking permit Zone “S” (North of Belmont near Washington High) to include restrictions on Sat and Sun.

Also, permit area Zone “T” (south of Belmont near 12th Ave.) will meet with the BCA Board about their committee and charge. BCA Land Use Committee meets Thursday, Dec. 15, 7-8:30 pm same location. New developments and zoning issues are often vetted with developers at the Land Use meeting.

To contact the BCA Board: buckmanboard@googlegroups.com

Buckman December 2016

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