By Jessica Gillard
At Richmond Neighborhood Association’s monthly meeting, the board approved a letter drafted by the Board Chair Erik Matthews to city police and other officials notifying them of our concerns about neighborhood safety, specifically related to a recent incident at Sewallcrest Park. The letter requested increased foot patrols at Sewallcrest and throughout the city.and also requested that an officer be present at the RNA’s December meeting for a crime and safety report and to hear resident concerns.
Board member and co-secretary Rob Mumford presented the new RNA website, which is at the same domain/URL as the old site:, and the board voted unanimously to adopt it. The new and improved site generated much enthusiasm in the room, so check it out! It is still being updated, but it includes upcoming events, land use news, safety information, committee updates, RNA newsletters, meeting agendas and minutes, and a link to request an agenda item.
Land Use and Transportation Chair Matt Otis presented on the Nov. 8 Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting, covering the Ladd-Harrison-Lincoln Greenway Project (more information online at, the Division Transit Project (, and the Residential Infill Project ( These hot topics generated passionate discussion, and plans were made to continue the conversation and consider any RNA actions at future meetings.
Richmond Neighborhood Association holds its monthly meeting at Waverly Heights Church at SE 33rd and Woodward St. in the church basement; enter from the east-side door. The RNA’s website is The next RNA meeting will be Monday, December 11, 7 pm.