Belmont March 2018

BABA President:

Constance Ihrke               


Meetings: Second Thur. 9 am

Historic Belmont Firehouse,

900 SE 35th

Thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated our 30th Annual Dinner Meeting at Taborspace last month! 2018 is shaping up to be a wonderful year with new businesses popping up around the area and fun for all! When the need or desire arises for a new purchase, consider shopping locally!

Cricket Café is now open with brand new owners that have taken our taste buds by storm! Stop into 3159 SE Belmont Street, 8am-2:30pm, Monday – Sunday and take a peek at their menu: 503.235.9348

Our next Belmont Business Happy Hour will be held third Thursday, March 15th, 2018 from 5-7pm, at Baby Doll Pizza 2835 SE Stark Street.

March 20th marks the first day of spring for our lovely city of roses!

Tune into our facebook page for neighborhood specials & sales each week:

Call to Action: 2018 Belmont District Committees can use your help

If you are interested in volunteering at upcoming events and getting involved with the district then send us an email and we will keep you up to date with fun opportunities:

Belmont March 2018

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