By Ute Munger
Time flies and May elections are just around the corner. Two terms as President for Duane Hanson are up and sadly we need to turn him loose. The search for a comparable replacement is on. Anyone? Don’t be shy! It may not be easy to follow his leadership and we will miss his enthusiasm and kindness. Thank you Duane.
At the March general meeting, two settled-in neighbors generously offered to fill the vacant Vice President and Secretary posts. Welcome Ben Chatterton and Juan Cummings. Our amiable interim Secretary Tina Kimmey will be greatly relieved, as she is also busy being the SEUL Delegate and had to miss this meeting due to a seasonal encounter with the flu.
Look in this issue of The SE Examiner (page 10) for the ad announcing South Tabor Neighborhood Association’s first ever Pancake Breakfast. A great deal of planning has gone into this undertaking and generously, Trinity Fellowship is allowing the STNA to use their approved kitchen for preparation. Come see us and get a historical first bite on Saturday, April 27 from 9 am to noon. Cost is $6 for adults and $3 for children under ten years old. Find us at Trinity Fellowship at 2700 SE 67th, between Clinton and Taggart.
Flyers for signature collection are available to neighbors for the Vision Zero Safety Pledge to promise individual commitment to remain safe and alert when driving.
Download forms and request yard signs from They can remind people driving to slow down and LOOK for kids and seniors, STOP for people crossing, and WATCH for people biking.
A longtime struggle with various traffic problems has plagued the former Trolley route on SE Woodward, specifically between 60th and 62nd, where the street bends and narrows to make it dangerous for all traffic participants. Woodward is a heavily-traveled street since it is a direct route to Franklin High School and a secondary one to Atkinson Elementary School. Visitors to Clinton Park for the green space, the playground and tennis courts experience high traffic activity at most times. Stay safe, get your yard sign and place it prominently.
The STNA land use committee is continuing its discussion of safety, reviewing a recent land use proposal, and sharing updates on citywide projects. Meanwhile enjoy sunny days and have a most joyous Happy Easter.
The next neighborhood meeting, open to all, is April 18 at 7 pm at Trinity Fellowship, 2700 SE 67th. Enter from the back parking lot.