By Louise Hoff
Montavilla Neighborhood Association is very pleased that we will be able to hear the final report on the Montavilla Main Street Historic Survey at our next meeting Monday, March 9, 6:30 pm. Brandon Spencer-Hartle, Project Manager of the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS), completed the survey early last year, which was initiated by our neighborhood, funded by City Council and BPS.Â
The University of Oregon Historic Preservation program deployed graduate students to document the buildings and research building history for social and cultural associations.
The Lola and William Rainbow Mermaid Playground at Vestal Elementary, in memory of those dear children swept out to sea in January, is underway and community fundraising is being organized by the Vestal PTA.
We are always pleased to hear from Lt. Hays from the East Precinct. Even though our neighborhood feels like a friendly small town to most of us, we are still part of a big city with big city problems and we feel so lucky we have Lt. Hays to share information with us and answer questions.
March heralds spring and a neighborhood filled with blossoming trees, shrubs and bulbs. Plans are in the works for the 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade, the Taborvilla NET training, our annual cleanup fundraiser and summer events in our lovely parks. We hope more neighbors will join us at our monthly meetings.