Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association
By John Liu
Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association
The Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association (LNA) is supporting a community effort called Laurelhurst Neighbor To Neighbor (LN2N), a neighborhood response to the coronavirus emergency. LN2N will match older and medically vulnerable residents who must shelter in place to avoid exposure to the virus, with neighbors who are willing to pick up groceries, prescriptions, etc and drop them on their neighbors’ doorsteps.
The goal is to organize the neighborhood so neighbors take care of each other and no one is overlooked. Laurelhurst residents, please fill out the LN2N webform. For information follow the LNA Facebook page or email LN2N would be happy to assist other neighborhoods and communities looking to set up similar efforts and would be grateful for advice from any who have already done so.
The LNA is sending e-newsletters to residents with links on how to support local businesses and get information on coping with COVID-19. To be added to LNA’s email list, go to and fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.
In non-virus news, LNA Elections are Tuesday, May 12; the Laurelhurst neighborhood cleanup is Saturday, May 16; and the Laurelhurst Garage Sale is Saturday, June 27. Looking out a bit further, the next Laurelhurst Historic Home Tour will be Sunday, September 13.
Of course, all of this is subject to developments and in particular, the election will either use a modified process or be postponed. Check the LNA website,, and sign up for the email list to get more information.