Clinton Street Theater

Help one of the oldest continuously operating theaters in the country keep going.  Here are a few creative ways to keep the venerable Clinton Street Theater afloat at this time.

The CST website’s homepage is kept up-to-date, with a current list of their latest streaming films. When you stream a movie in your home, the Clinton Street gets a portion of your ticket price.

This month, you can watch their CST Videothon and make a donation that way too.

Go to their Popcorn Pop-Up Fridays and Saturdays from 4-8 pm and purchase hot bags of popcorn, beer, cider and candy at low prices. This helps draw down their inventory so it doesn’t go to waste.

Other CST merchandise includes the Rocky Horror Face Mask and Bubble Man Trumpets through their online store.  Buy a t-shirt or hoodie from PDX Creative Support Club.

See to find out more.

Clinton Street Theater

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