The November show at Sidestreet Arts features work by potters that also happen to be friends—Julie Asbury, Ha Austin, Terri Axness, Becky Clark, Sheryl Riley, Jean Teitelman and Jenny Watson. These were friendships made while working at the Oregon Potters Association or learning side by side in community center classes or places of employment. Their communal love of ceramics has made for enduring friendships and allowed this show to culminate.
The artists were each given the challenge of interpreting the theme “Out of the Box.” Some took a literal approach to the theme, others more artistic. In the end, each artist created something they would not normally make. Whether learning new ceramic techniques or creating rabbits climbing out of boxes, the artists tested themselves. Delightful surprises were made in this exploratory show.

by Ha Austin
“Hanging Fish” from Austin, is “work that I do not routinely do…handbuilding and Raku firing …totally out of my wheelhouse.”
Axness commented that, “The theme for the show captured my imagination both literally and figuratively. The art piece, ‘Steppin’ Out,’ is actually a horse stepping out of a box that has stamped definitions for ‘Out of the Box,’ representing both the literal and figurative definitions of the theme.”

oxidation fired porcelain
by Jenny Watson
Watson started literally interpreting the theme, “hand-building a box which became a carved table light. Moving along in my exploration, I built a box behind a flat form. Finally, I threw a form (not so boxy), which I altered and added pieces to, something I had not done before.”
Take in all of the artists’ works Thursday, November 2-Sunday, November 26, 12-5 pm at Sidestreet Arts, 140 SE 28th Ave. Go even deeper by attending the First Friday Artwalk November 3, 5-7 pm with the artists in the gallery. Can’t make it in? Visit Sidestreet Arts online at
Top image: “Steppin’ Out” medium Raku by Terri Axness