The Portland Housing Bureau (PHB) has partnered with Resolutions NW (RNW) to provide landlord-tenant mediation services for landlords and tenants looking to resolve conflicts prior to filing eviction claims. Conflicts come in many forms and can look different in each situation. When the mix of landlords, property managers and tenants come together, communication can sometimes be challenging. RNW works to resolve conflicts around past-due rent, rent increases, accommodations, pets and discrimination, and focuses on rooted issues of equity.
RNW’s vision is to build healthier bonds between tenants and landlords to keep those most impacted by financial hardship in their homes, and work toward a city where housing is a human right. In particular, disparities in power, race, gender, sexuality, class, etc., can leave tenants from marginalized communities feeling uncertain in approaching their landlords to discuss any issues or unfair treatment. Minor issues can escalate into serious matters such as eviction, biases, violence and feelings of unwelcomeness and fear.
The focus of landlord-tenant mediation is to keep people housed through eviction prevention methods such as coaching. Since the inception of the program in July 2021, RNW has handled over 300 cases with facilitators who are trained in equity-informed mediation. RNW does not provide legal information and does not enforce any laws; however, they can offer resources. Through proactive facilitation and relationship building, all parties encounter long-term benefits.
For more information or to see if you qualify, call 503.595.4890 or email The RNW team will ask for demographic information, your perspective of the situation and collect other parties’ information. Next, a mediator will connect with all parties to gather detailed information about the conflict from each party’s perspective. Once consent is gathered from all parties, a mediation is scheduled and facilitated. RNW will also do a follow up check to see if the case was resolved or if additional coaching is needed.
RNW’s services come at no cost to you, have no impact on rental and credit history and may result in the avoidance of court and legal fees.