DCBA Pres.: Darice Robinson
email darice@himpress.com
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday
OHSU Family Medicine at RichmondÂ
7:30 amÂ
3930 SE Division
Redevelopment of Division Street is still on schedule to start in January and be completed by October 31. Imagine an evenly-paved street!
The Oregonian’s Best of 2012 lauded Pok Pok as Best Thai, Little t American Bakery as Best Bakery, both Los Gorditos at 12th and Portobello at 11th as Best Vegan and Bike Gallery for Best Bike Repair. Congratulations, all of you.
Don Wells moved Fix My Dead PC from 39th and Lincoln to 1350 SE 122nd, which offers “a lot more space.”
Redevelopment at the old Natures at 30th is underway and should open by spring of 2012. The two parking lots will start redevelopment in the spring.
New and receiving good reviews are Xico at 37th, Cibo at 35th Place and Loretta Jean Pies at 34th. Still under wraps is Ave Genes at 34th and just starting its reformation is an unnamed bakery and pizzeria in the former Stumptown, also at 34th.
Have you noticed the new signs with their colorful logos at OHSU’s clinic or that the former Metalurges is now available or that Detour’s patio is now covered? Shanghai has been hit with graffiti again. The wide truck turn at 11th is finished and only cost two parking spaces.
Michael Tevis, owner of the Ford Building, is now redeveloping the former Northwest Performance Center across the street. He is part owner of the building next door, 1126 SE Division.
The west wall of the rusty condos on 26th and Division has become a pale green. The north wall has not been changed. The new second story on the warehouse across the street from St Philip Neri resembles a stone turret, except for the glass in the windows.
Have joyous holidays and remember D/CBA’s annual meeting and auction is January 22 and the ever popular Dining on Division/Clinton starts on January 13 and ending February 23. Plan on checking out some new restaurants and remember to turn in your cards for an opportunity to win some fantastic gift certificates.
To keep up with all of Division/Clinton’s activities, send a blank email to divisionclintonba-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. You will receive a confirmation email. If you want to keep up on the construction schedules, send a blank email to DivisionClintonConstruction-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. That group will contain only construction information. We will provide as much information as we receive.