Neighborhood Notes North Tabor April 2013



by Melissa Bockwinkel

Thank you to everyone who has submitted ideas for our Mural Project!  The muralists brought their design to our last Board meeting and it is looking fantastic.  We feel confident with our RACC grant application and are still seeking outside donations for this project.  Anyone interested in the project, donations, or painting the mural this summer should email

Spring is in the air and we had a great turnout at the Rain Garden and Naturescaping workshops held in North Tabor in March.  We would love to showcase all the lovely gardens in our neighborhood by hosting a Garden Tour this spring/summer. If you are interested in showing off your garden or organizing please contact Zach at

Thank you to our speakers! Clean Energy Works Oregon offers free home energy audits, rebates and financing for home energy improvements ( The Southeast Portland Food Project is a long-term donor food drive that picks up food donations from your home every two months – with their next pickup on Saturday, April 13th (

Planning for our Annual Cleanup on Saturday, April 27th with Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association is in full swing. We still need volunteers for our main fundraising project. If you can volunteer a few hours to check people in, direct traffic, sort recyclables, or drive your truck to recycle goods at the end of the day, we would love to hear from you. Email us at

Our next general board meeting is Tuesday, April 16th. We will be approving revisions to our bylaws and have speakers to share information relating to the Fluoride vote in May. Visit our website at to keep updated on our meeting agendas, happenings in the neighborhood, or to get involved with one of our committees.

Neighborhood Notes North Tabor April 2013

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