BABA President:
Constance Ihrke       Â
Meetings: Second Thur. 9 am
Historic Belmont Firehouse,
900 SE 35th
Thank you to all the businesses and business supporters who attended our 27th Annual Dinner last month at Tabor Space.
A special thank you to Hoda’s Mediterranean Cuisine for cooking up a delicious taste of the district buffet with wine from Zupan’s and to our generous donors: Hair Bar 47, Sustainably Organized, bare – facials + waxing + make-up, Belmont Eco Laundry, Andrew DeWeese, PA, Yarnia, Belmont Station and Vandermeer Real Estate who all provided raffle prizes.
Great to have new attendees at the dinner from Mint Dental Works, Mandala Yoga and People’s Yoga.
Monthly BABA business meetings are the second Thursday of the month 9 – 10:30 am at the Belmont Firehouse: 35th and Belmont. BBB events – Belmont Business Beverage gatherings – at different locations around the district on the fourth or fifth Thursday.
Join us this month for our BBB in the terrace room at Hawthorne Gardens Senior Living facility on Thursday, March 31, 6 to 8pm. Drinks and appetizers provided. 2828 SE Taylor St.
To join BABA, join the district list serve or for info on BABA events, contact Karen Hery, BABA marketing and communications rep:Â 503.407.2667.