By Allen Field
The Richmond Neighborhood Association held its monthly meeting on May 15, 2018 at Waverly Heights Church at SE 33rd and Woodward St.  RNA meetings are held in the basement; enter from the east-side door. The RNA’s website is
The Bylaws amendment vote was cancelled due to problems with the ballot. In the April RNA meeting, the Board voted to present to the general membership to vote on whether to adopt proposed changes to Article IX (whether to remove the majority vote standard to elect Directors to the Board) and Article XVII (whether to specify that the Robert’s Rules catchall provision does not apply to Board of Director elections, since the RNA has Election Standing Rules (ESR)). The ballot only had one Yes/No option and did not allow members to vote independently on each amendment proposal, to which ¾ of people at the meeting objected. The Chair cancelled the vote in order to consult with SE Uplift.
The RNA Board elections are Monday June 11, the next RNA meeting. Voting will take place from 8 pm Sunday June 10, to 8pm Monday June 11. Voting times and locations will be announced via the RNA listserve and RNA website, and allow for several voting opportunities Sunday and Monday, including at the RNA June 11 meeting, starting at 6pm. May 28 is the deadline to announce candidacy and submit candidate statements.
Although not allowed by the ESR (which state they cannot be revised less than two months before the election) the Board voted to move the deadlines to announce candidacy and to submit candidate statements to May 28, 14 days before the election. Â The reason, stated during the meeting, was due to only three candidates having announced their candidacy to fill eight open seats. However, soon after the meeting, it was learned that eight candidates had announced their candidacy.
Heather Flint Chatto announced that the Division Design Guidelines 90% draft is out for public review, i.e., they are almost complete but need final revisions based on community input. The draft can be viewed at; email comments to by June 3.
The Hawthorne-Division-26th & Clinton Graffiti and Litter CleanUp will be June 16, 9 am – 1pm, with registration, coffee and snacks, and lunch provided at Central Christian Church, 1844 SE Cesar Chavez Blvd. Sign up at
The next RNA meeting will be Monday, June 11, at Waverly Heights Congregational Church (basement), 3300 SE Woodward St., 7 – 9 pm, with voting to start at 6 pm.