By Amanda Rhoads
We’re heading into a busy fall in Montavilla and hosting our annual elections on Monday, October 8. Only current members can vote, so we’re encouraging everyone to contact us to verify their membership status. This is especially important since our membership list was only recently rebuilt. If you attended a meeting more than a year ago, we may not have your data.
If you live within our boundaries, but are not currently a member, make sure to attend our Monday, September 10 membership meeting at 6:30 pm at Montavilla United Methodist Church, 232 NE 80th St., in order to become eligible to vote prior to our October election.
We need folks to step up and run for the board! Email to check on the status of your membership or talk through responsibilities.
September 29 Neighborhood Cleanup: We didn’t host our cleanup in the spring, so we welcome everyone who missed their neighborhood’s cleanup to come to ours Saturday, September 29, from 9 am to 3 pm. The Montavilla Baptist Church at 9204 SE Hawthorne Blvd. is hosting us. Clear out your bulky waste while supporting the neighborhood association.
New Website: We’ve got a new website up and running, and adding more content every day. We hope to have all our archived files moved over soon, and bring us up to date on all the latest about the organization. Check us out at