By Laura Smith
Neighbors at the January 21 meeting of the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) discussed reactions to the recent diverter installation at SE 50th and Lincoln as part of the Lincoln-Harrison Neighborhood Greenway. The project included the installation of speed bumps on SE Hawthorne Blvd. east of SE 50th Ave.
While traffic on that stretch of SE Hawthorne has slowed down, neighbors also report that the volume of traffic has increased since the diverter was installed. Bicyclists have reported safety concerns with more vehicle traffic and speeding on other streets near the diverter.
If you have concerns about traffic issues created by this diverter, contact Sheila Parrott at Portland Bureau of Transportation at, 503.823.5817, and Dana Dickman at PBOT at 503.823.5785.
The neighborhood cleanup co-sponsored by MTNA and North Tabor Neighborhood Association will take place Saturday, April 27, in the parking lot of Mt. Tabor Middle School. More details will be provided soon – watch this space! That same day, there will also be a drug turn-in and paper shredding event at the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office on E Burnside at SE 47th Ave. from 10 am-2 pm.
Teri Poppino from the Portland Office of Community and Civic Life (OCCL) is one of three representatives from OCCL who work with neighbors about crime concerns. Contact them via their website at or by phone at 503.823.4064 (voicemail). A city/county referral line will direct you to the correct office for your concerns: 503.823.4000.
The Friends of Mt. Tabor Park’s Stewardship Fund has surpassed its $100,000 funding goal. The new season of Weed Warrior work parties begins in March, with crew leader training to be held February 23 and March 9 from 10 am-2 pm at the park’s Visitor Center. Crew leaders need to attend two work parties per season which runs March through October on the last Saturday of each month. For info, check FTMP’s website:
The next meeting of the MTNA is Wednesday, February 20 at 7 pm at Mt Tabor Presbyterian Church at SE 54th and Belmont, with social time starting 6:50 pm. For information, visit