By Laura Smith
The Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) held its annual board elections on Wednesday, May 15, and all serving 2018-2019 board members were re-elected. MTNA is a nonprofit organization that provides an open process for all members of the neighborhood to involve themselves in the affairs of the neighborhood. If you live, own property, maintain a business, or represent a nonprofit within the geographical boundaries of MTNA, you are eligible for membership. Attend our monthly meetings on the third Wednesday of every month (except December) to see how you can contribute to the neighborhood. Visit our website to find out more:
The annual neighborhood cleanup co-sponsored by the Mt. Tabor and North Tabor Neighborhood Associations that took place on Saturday, April 27, was a huge success, with almost 250 vehicles that patiently lined up to participate. Statistics, such as how many mattresses, pounds of electronics, cubic feet of Styrofoam, and items resold to keep them out of the dump, will be available soon.
The next meeting of the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association will be Wednesday, June 19 at 7:00pm at Mt Tabor Presbyterian Church at SE 54th and Belmont, with social time starting 6:50 PM. For more information, please visit