Final Pave & Paint Design Announced

Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) has released the final road striping and safety plan for the upcoming paving project, dubbed Pave & Paint, on SE Hawthorne Blvd. 

The project, scheduled to begin in early summer, will repave SE Hawthorne Blvd. between SE 24th and 50th Ave.  and will combine repaving with restriping and safety improvements in order to save on labor and materials.

Based on two rounds of community engagement, including a survey of more than 1,000 Portlanders, PBOT is moving forward with the project by reconfiguring Hawthorne into three lanes: two travel lanes and a turn lane, on the section being repaved. 

PBOT has installed similar lane configurations on other major city streets and research has shown they significantly improve safety for all users.

Vision Zero safety data shows that Hawthorne is one of the city’s most dangerous streets, especially for pedestrians. 

Participants in PBOT’s community outreach cited improved safety for people walking or using a mobility device as one of their top priorities for the project.

To further improve safety for pedestrians and people biking across Hawthorne, PBOT crews will install median islands at key intersections. Street lighting will also be improved to increase visibility for people walking, biking or using a mobility device.

180 curb ramps will be improved to ensure they meet the latest ADA accessibility standards. This part of the work has already begun and is scheduled to be done this June.

Additional information about the project can be found at

Final Pave & Paint Design Announced

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