Call for High School STEM Projects

Students ages 15-18 around the world are invited to share their innovative solutions to sustain and protect the natural world as part of the 2022 Spellman High Voltage Electronics Clean Tech Competition. 

The competition is designed to foster a deeper understanding of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) related concepts, including recognizing outstanding talent and preparing the next generation of globally competitive innovators.

“As we enter the second decade of the Clean Tech Competition, our world is continuing to face growing challenges to which we must find solutions,” said Spellman HV President Dr. Loren Skeist. 

“These young students will play a critical role in developing answers which will make an impact on our natural world. The submissions continue to push boundaries and give us hope that we will overcome energy and environmental challenges we face today.” 

In the 2015 competition, entitled “Feed the World,” Team Catlin Gable took first place with their project Water Trotter aimed at solving the problems stemming from the lack of access to food and clean water.

Registration for the competition (free) is open through April 22. 10 finalist teams will be announced online June 9 with the global finals taking place August 11.

The first place winner will receive $7,000, second place $5,000, third place $3,500 and fourth to 10th places will each receive $1,000.

More information and applications can be found at Perhaps you can be the second Oregon competitor to take a top 10 spot.

Call for High School STEM Projects

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