Burnside Bridge Comment Period Open

Now through Monday, June 13 the public can review and comment on the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge (EQRB) project. This is the latest step in a project that started with Multnomah County’s exploration of options to address the crucial need for a seismically resilient bridge in 2017.

After the project team evaluated several potential solutions, the project leaders recommended the Preferred Alternative to replace the nearly 100-year old Burnside Bridge. From there, they developed a Draft EIS as part of the federally required National Environmental Policy Act process and subsequently approved several cost-saving refinements for the project.

The Supplemental Draft EIS reflects the refinements and the public can provide comments which will be reviewed by the project team. Comments that address a specific aspect of the project or the EIS document, rather than simply expressing a preference for or against the project, are the most useful. Comments should be as specific as possible and it is helpful if comments refer to chapters and pages of the Supplemental Draft EIS.

Visit burnsidebridge-eis.participate.online for an overview of the project, technical reports and more in preparation to submit your comment. 

Comments can be submitted through the website, by calling 503.423.3790, emailing burnside-eis@multco.us, by postal mail to Burnside Supplement Draft EIS, 1403 SE Water Ave., Portland, OR 97214 or by public testimony. To make an appointment to provide testimony at the in-person hearing Wednesday, June 8, 4:30-6 pm at the Multnomah Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., call the above phone number or write to the above email address.

Burnside Bridge Comment Period Open

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