Mountain Rose Herbs, in collaboration with United Plant Savers (UpS), has begun a new Seed Stewardship Project that will employ a solution-oriented approach to the over-harvesting of native botanicals by supplying free seeds to customers who are willing to help endangered, at-risk and threatened medicinal plants. To raise awareness about at-risk plants that need help, the Eugene-based company joined with UpS, a nonprofit organization focused on research, education and conservation of native medicinal plants, fungi and their habits.
The organic herbal industry has grown significantly in recent years as more people have recognized the myriad wellness benefits of herbs. Unfortunately, this has led to a corresponding and significant issue of over-harvesting that is now impacting some of the nation’s most precious native botanicals.
To select seeds for the project, Mountain Rose Herbs looked to the UpS Species At-Risk List, which details the most threatened medicinal plants in temperate North America. Customers who order online may select one of several varieties of seeds, which the company will rotate seasonally. The rotation will allow a continual focus on increasing plant populations and improving awareness about plant care and sustainability of the herbs. Seeds are also available to schools and nonprofit organizations whose missions align with that of Mountain Rose Herbs.
In addition to supplying free seeds, Mountain Rose Herbs has created an interactive map where seed recipients can add pins to show which seeds they’ve planted and where. The hope is that the map will fill as the seed steward community grows.
When people place an order at, they will have the option to select one of several seed varieties from the UpS At-Risk List. Seeds can be sown in a window box, backyard or natural area where these plants once thrived. Each seed down can affect positive change and ensure the survival of these botanicals one seed at a time.