Letter to the Editor – December 2023

To the Editor:

Hello neighbor, I feel a lot of gratitude for living in this amazing neighborhood.
Thank you for keeping your trees standing! Having trees in our neighborhood is such a wonder. They provide oxygen; places for birds, insects and other critters; beauty; shade; and they suck up rainwater like nobody’s business.
Thank you for switching away from gas-powered lawn tools and hiring companies that don’t use them as well. Especially gas-powered leaf blowers, which do terrible harm in many ways (air and noise pollution, for starters).
Thank you for figuring out better outdoor lighting so that your lights are not glaring. This makes it easier to walk around at night for those of us who like to do that. Softer lighting is actually safer than glaring, bright lights.
Thank you for figuring out how to turn off the feature on your car that beeps your horn when you lock it. That can often be a tricky thing to do, but it makes the neighborhood quieter and is a huge improvement. Thank you for sticking with this one.
Thank you for all the ways you make this world a better place, especially neighborhood leaders. Everyone who attends a neighborhood association meeting; plants a tree; removes graffiti or lobbies local political leaders on transportation and land use issues. You’re our unsung heroes and you take the time to make good things happen for us.

Thank you!
Albert Kaufman, Richmond

Editor’s note: Letters to the Editor should be less than 300 words and The Southeast Examiner reserves the right to edit them for length or content.

Letter to the Editor – December 2023

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