DCBA Pres.: Jean Baker
email mjeanbaker@peoplepc.com
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday
OHSU Family Medicine at RichmondÂ
7:30 amÂ
3930 SE Division
The street fair is adding buskers, to perform wherever they are hosted. If you want to host a busker, go to www.divisionclinton.com, click on Street Fair Forms, and fill out the Busker form. If you want to be a busker, email Nancy at events@tsgpdx.com.
Dots Cafe on Clinton offers Saturday and Sunday brunch, opening at 10 am on weekends.  Rachael Grossman and Tyler Johnson opened Artigiano, a “pasta wagon that features handmade pastas and rustic Italian fare at 3302 SE Division.  Wafu is changing its menu to feature seafood. Wafu has also announced it plans to take part in Eat Streets again this summer. Meals will be available in the parking lane in front of the business.
OHSU is opening a walk-in clinic at 41st and Division on June 24th. Open house is June 21st from 4 – 7 pm. Leigh Drake’s Unfold Studios at 3249 offers Samarya yoga. Their open house is June 15th from 4 – 9 pm. Art School Studio opens at 4819 SE Division offering wine and snacks along with lessons from established artists, Sun-Thurs, 10 am – 10 pm and Fri-Sat, 9 am – 11 pm. Barre3 studio, 22nd and Division, is holding donation based classes on June 1st from 10 – 11 am. All donations go to the American Red Cross for Oklahoma relief efforts. Call us at 503.206.4453, to reserve your spot.
Joseph Annett from BES is available as long as streetscape construction continues. Contact him at 503.823.2934 or joseph.annett@portlandoregon.gov.
Planning for the July 27th Street Fair is underway. All the application forms are on our website, www.divisionclinton.com. The theme this year is “Celebrate Change”. For questions, contact Nancy Chapin, nchapin@tsgpdx.com.
For more news, go to www.divisionclinton.com.