Neighborhood Notes Buckman Aug 13


By Susan Lindsay


In lieu of the totally awesome, all inclusive and completely *fun* 4th Annual, Buckman Picnic in the Park, there will be no monthly BCA meeting scheduled in August. Regular meetings resume each second Thursday of the month, 7-9 pm (6-7 pm for the Board) at the Multnomah County Board of Directors Room, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd.

Our next monthly meeting will be September 12. BCA Land Use Committee meetings occur the 3rd Thursday of each month same location.

The Picnic is August 11, 4-8 pm at Colonel Summers Park. There’ll be delicious BBQ, food, fun, music, kid’s activities, bouncy thrill house for kids, door prizes, community building and more. We need and appreciate donations (all tax deductible) of cash and in-kind well as volunteers. Cash donations can be sent to “BCA Picnic” c/o Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland 97214.

Want to volunteer or get more info? Contact Jamie Vann, Picnic Coordinator at or 206.321.9765  At last month’s election , Susan Lindsay and Greg Moulliet were elected BCA Co-Chairs, Tim Askin, Secretary, Adam Zucker, Treasurer and Tim Askin and Matt Kirkpatrick, Land Use Chairs.

Notice: Public Meetings will be held at the CEID Food Carts (510 SE MLK) August 9 at 6 pm and 6:30 pm regarding mural applications for 417 SE 11th Ave and 525 SE MLK respectively and also on August 13 6 pm and 6:30 pm at Cartopia (12th and Hawthorne) regarding two mural applications for 1316 SE 12th and 306 SE 8th Ave. The applicant for all these murals is Gage Hamilton from Forest for the Trees.

Upcoming items: The owner of four properties listed on the National Historic Register located at 15th and Belmont is considering applying for a comprehensive zoning plan change to move the properties from residential to commercial (R-1 to CM).

We plan to host a public meeting next month on the inquiry. Discussion continue about potential changes at Colonel Summers Park. Contact Parks representative, Elizabeth Kennedy-Wong to get on the email notification and information list.


Neighborhood Notes Buckman Aug 13

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