By Heather Waisanen
The next Kerns Neighborhood Association meeting is Weds., Oct. 16 at 6 pm at the Pacific Crest Community School located at the corner of NE Davis and 29th Avenue. Pizza, salad and soda will be provided. The meetings are open to anyone who lives, works or owns property in the neighborhood. If you have an item you’d like to add to our agenda, contact
Our neighbors at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral at 3131 NE Glisan are hosting the 62nd Annual Greek Festival on Oct. 4, 5 and 6. Stop by and enjoy some great treats and culture.
See what else is happening in Kerns. Visit for news, agendas, past minutes, or to sign up for our once a month e-newsletter. Like our FB page ( Certain portions of the neighborhood, between NE 14th and 32nd, E Burnside to NE Glisan, can also join (not KNA affiliated). Kerns Contact info: 503.238.5217