By Joanna Beatty
Summer 2014 will witness the inaugural presentation of the Montavilla Jazz Festival, August 16 and 17 at Post5 Theatre at Milepost 5. The goal of the Festival is to showcase Portland’s vibrant new jazz scene, featuring a diverse lineup of cutting-edge performers of progressive and avant-garde jazz (including multiple artists who reside in Montavilla or nearby), all of whom mine the jazz tradition in exploration of new forms. Performers include Blue Cranes, David Friesen, the Optic Nerve Trio, Portland Jazz Composers’ Ensemble, Tim Wilcox’s Super Jazzers and Trio Flux. More info can be found at or on Facebook. For more info, contact Festival Director Fritz Hirsch at; a project of Montavilla Neighborhood Association (MNA).
MNA was visited by ONI Crime Prevention Coordinator, Brad Taylor in May. He answered community questions about Public Safety and organizing Neighborhood Watches. He emphasized his role in coordinating neighbors and addressing the fear of crime such that people feel safe in their neighborhood.
It takes as little as four houses to organize a Neighborhood Watch that is able to recognize and report suspicious activity, increase home and vehicle security, increase personal safety of residents, and make neighborhoods less attractive to criminals.
Interested in organizing or learning more? Visit Portland’s Office of Neighborhood Involvement website or contact Brad at
On behalf of the MNA, have a safe and fun summer! Remember, we do not have a neighborhood meeting in July, but we hope to see you at our next meeting August 11. We meet at Montavilla United Methodist Church, 232 SE 80th Ave. Parking and childcare are free and plentiful. Keep up-to-date on neighborhood information via