HBBA Pres.: Greg Moon,
Meetings: Second Weds. at 8 am
Western Seminary classroom
5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Â
hawthornepdx.com / 503.775.7633
Hawthorne businesses are becoming very concerned about the influx of people sitting around all day, strewing litter, making it difficult to feel comfortable walking on the sidewalks and then sleeping in doorways and other accessible places at night. Last year, the Portland Police Bureau had a walking patrol, however, those officers are being spread too thin. Hawthorne businesses, HBBA and our five neighborhoods need to be more active in solving this challenge to the Boulevard’s health and well-being as a welcoming District in which to shop, eat and be entertained.
In the 90’s a contracted officer patrolled 20 to 30 hours/week, however, the expense became too great for the businesses. Twice HBBA attempted to develop a Business Improvement District (BID) to provide a walking patrol, regular street/sidewalk cleaning, marketing and management ie a more robust “Clean and Safe” atmosphere. Downtown businesses have a BID which requires involvement at varying levels from every business. To be part of the solution, please email explore@hawthornepdx.com. SE Uplift has offered a meeting space; if a larger space is needed, there are other options. Are there enough interested people to have an organized Business Watch? Are there neighbors who would join businesses in developing a financial plan to support professional patrol officers? Do we need to approach the City as an organized group?
In the meantime, we’re planning the Street Fair for August 28th!! It will be a fun day with great music, entertainment for children and adults, the great stores and services Hawthorne offers every day as well as community non-profits and interesting vendors, too! Thank you to our first Golden Street Fair Sponsors: Fred Meyer Hawthorne and Rivermark Community Credit Union.
Thank you article sponsors: Hawthorne Vision Center, Rivermark Community Credit Union and the SE Examiner and 2016 Benefactors Fred Meyer and New Seasons Market.