By Laura Smith
A local Portland Police representative attending the August meeting of the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association said recent crime in our neighborhood continues to be usual issues like car prowls. There has been some but not a lot of homeless camping in the neighborhood and Mt. Tabor Park. Laurelhurst Park seems to be attracting more homeless camps.
Many of the SE neighborhood associations including ours have been discussing the Residential Infill Project. The public input survey has concluded and is now being assessed. The planning committee will present their recommendations to City Council in September and in October there will be a vote by City Council.
Related development news is the City of Portland’s outreach to neighborhood associations for feedback about the design overlay designation on some properties currently primarily in the central city of Portland and transit corridors. The consensus of the neighborhood representatives involved is that design review should be used more broadly to ensure development appropriate to neighborhoods throughout Portland.
The Tri-State Automotive building on SE 50th between Hawthorne and Division will be demolished and a 19-unit multifamily building will replace it.
East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District offers free workshops on sustainable landscaping. Beneficial Insects is the topic on September 21 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Sunnyside Community House, 3520 SE Yamhill St. and September 29 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Bridgeport United Church of Christ, 621 NE 76th Ave. Naturescaping Basics will be presented September 24 from 9 am-1 pm at the SE Uplift office at 3534 SE Main St. In October, there will be workshops on Native Plants and Rain Gardens 101. For more info, go to:
Help support the Friends of Mt. Tabor Park by participating in the 5th annual Tar ‘N Trail Run/Walk. The 5k walk and run and 10k run will be held Sunday, October 16 at 9 am. For registration and info, go to
The largest Weed Warrior event of the year in Mt. Tabor Park will be Sunday, September 25, sponsored by the Nature Conservancy. Activities start at 9 am and continue until 12:30 pm. Food and music will be provided. To sign up, go to
Parke Diem, a city-wide Parks work party, includes activities in Mt. Tabor Park with the Weed Warriors. This year, it’s on Saturday, October 15, from 9 am until 12 noon. Find out more at
If you live, own property, maintain a business or represent a nonprofit located in the Mt. Tabor neighborhood, then you are a member of the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association. It’s that easy. Please join us at our next meeting, Wednesday, September 21, at 7 pm at Mt Tabor Presbyterian Church at SE 54th and Belmont, with homemade chocolate chip cookies and social time starting at 6:50 pm.