This just in: the sun has set over neighborhoods, government buildings and American backyards everywhere. A news team is on the way. Their report: someone left the lawn sprinklers on; someone’s horse is on the loose; a seashell is lying in the grass; dogs run by.
The Governor appeals for calm. Everyone doesn’t know if the sun, once down, will ever rise again, but there is a witness, and the witness will speak. A crack team of journalists is on the scene to bring you the story, even if there isn’t one.
Will Eno’s wry and hilarious, one of a kind play skewers the never ending modern news cycle while capturing the underlying human need to apply order to an increasingly absurd world.
Defunkt Theatre presents Tragedy: A Tragedy, by Will Eno, directed by Sarah Armitage, February 8 – March 16, Thursdays through Saturdays at 7:30 pm, Sundays at 2 pm at The Back Door Theater, 4321 SE Hawthorne Blvd. (enter through the Common Grounds Coffee Shop). All tickets at the door are Pay-What-You-Can for all performances. Advance reservations at