By Zach Michaud
Come by the meeting to connect with the Neighborhood Cleanup committee who, in partnership with Mt. Tabor Neighborhood, will host the Cleanup on Saturday, April 27 in the parking lot of the Mt. Tabor Middle School. Keep an eye out for a mailer that will detail what can and cannot be taken by the Cleanup.
At the meeting you can plug in with neighbors who plan to repaint the street mural at 53rd and Everett. A design meeting took place the first weekend of March, but there are more planning meetings to come between now and the first week of June when painting is planned to take place, weather permitting. There are many roles to fill from logistics to food prep, intersection prep, set up, paint station, clean up, and outreach. Connect however you can – the point is to have fun and bring neighbors together to strengthen collaboration and community.
The North Tabor Neighborhood Board meeting is held the Third Tuesday of every month in the basement of Christ Community Church at 4837 NE Couch St. from 6:30 pm-8 pm. The next two meetings will be March 19 and April 16.