To the Editor:
I commend you for your balanced and informative February 2020 issue.
Nancy Tannler’s piece on the Portland Water Bureau’s planned filtration plant construction was very helpful in understanding what the Bureau’s goals are and why, especially with a history of fiscal abuses.
Midge Pierce’s continued reporting on the corrupted RIP-off proposal is excellent, the grousing of one letter-writer notwithstanding. This developer-giveaway has been flawed from its bureaucratic birth and Pierce’s reporting has been courageous and valuable in seeing through the smokescreen.
Finally, David Krogh’s interview with City Council candidate Mingus Mapps was very informative.Â
As a modest contributor to Mapps’ campaign, it is clear to me that quality candidates like him do not show up frequently on Portland ballots.Â
To opportunists like Sam Adams, who has thrown his hat and ego in the ring for Eudaly’s seat, I say, “You had your chance, Sam. Please move on as it is time for new people to serve.”Â
It’s also time for people like Mapps who will ultimately change Portland’s terrible form of government.
Frank DiMarco