By Laura Smith
The January meeting of the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) included a visit by Portland Police Bureau East Portland Precinct Commander Tashia Hager. Two police sergeants also stopped by to reintroduce themselves to the neighborhood association.
The commander and sergeants let us know that Portland Police Bureau’s website now has updated crime statistics with maps. Check it out at Priorities for their police patrols are based on crime statistics. Because their policing is data driven, neighbors were encouraged by the officers to report crimes and not just talk about them on social media sites.
The Theatre Company (TTC) is a new Portland theatrical group and their inaugural production of “The Moors” will be performed at TaborSpace in March and April. The Theatre Company wants to “enliven our community by transforming found spaces with bold, theatrical endeavors,” according to co-artistic directors, Jen Rowe and Brandon Woolley. Find out more at
A new housing project is planned for the former 7-11 site at 5920 E. Burnside. Currently the plans include removing the existing building and constructing a four-story apartment project. No onsite parking is planned. There will be an informational meeting with the developer neighbors can attend Tuesday, February 4, 6 pm at Providence House, 5921 E. Burnside (use the door on Burnside, meet in the Common Room on the main floor).
If you want to find out what’s happening in our neighborhood and how you can get informed and involved, attend the next meeting of the MTNA, Wednesday, February 19, 7 pm at Mt Tabor Presbyterian Church, SE 54th and Belmont, with social time starting 6:50 pm. For more information, visit