To the Editor:
When Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty announced she had located public land to construct affordable housing on half of the Rose City Golf Course, that was the straw that broke this camel’s back.
Publicly owned school, parks and water property must be held in common the for the generations that follow. In the past, some of these lands have been sold to a developer without adequate public notice in the Daily Journal of Commerce.
I’m running for City Commissioner Position #1 because I believe in tearing down the curtain of secrecy that cloaks shenanigans like this.
I am an unrelenting, unconventionally tenacious community advocate in a quest for justice. Based on my 40-plus years serving the community, I ask for your vote on May 19.
Mary Ann Schwab
Editor’s note: Letters to the Editor should be less than 300 words and The SE Examiner reserves the right to edit them for length or content.