We Are Everything

Portrait of cellist Anna Fritz of Portland by Reeva Wortel

Portland musician and songwriter Anna Fritz has played on many recording projects – her own, Portland Cello Project, The Decemberists, Blue Cranes and many others. She has a new song to share and sends this message:

“This song was given to me by a Sitka spruce tree on Neahkahnie Mountain on the Oregon coast. Two years ago, I felt an invitation from this tree to stop and sit against its trunk. I was struck with understanding, as I watched the sun filter down through the branches, that I could lie down here on the earth and never move again and that would be just fine.

“Because I am this tree, this sunlight, these insects, this ground – we are all one living, breathing, singing thing. I knew it in my bones. My heart lifted with the joy of this truth and this song came.

“Recently I was lying awake at 2 am, fearful and lonely, when I was hit with a jolt of clarity. We need this song NOW and the song needs a painting from artist Reeva Wortel who happened to be sheltering in place in the shadow of Neahkahnie Mountain.

“In this time of isolation, we need a trail of breadcrumbs back to that feeling of one-ness. We can know it in our mind, but music helps us remember it in our whole being – that even in this time of separation, there is no separateness: We Are Everything.

“I’m offering this song to my people, all people, for free. It is medicine, and all who need medicine should have it. If you have the means to offer something in return, you can set your own price. If you want to help see me through this time when it may be a year or more before I can return to most of the work I do, see my Patreon page. I pray that we can move through our lives knowing that we are all one great heart beating. Blessings, Anna”

See annafritz.com and patreon.com/annafritz

We Are Everything

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