TidalWave Comics has added a new comic to its popular Female Force series focused on female empowerment. “Female Force: Kamala Harris” was released October 21 in time for the Vice Presidential candidate’s birthday.
Kamala Devi Harris is only the second African-American and first Asian-American Senator from the state of California. A lawyer, prosecutor and former attorney general, she has devoted herself to bettering the lives of her constituents while focusing on social issues that help minorities and women. Her no-nonsense approach has made her a popular member of the Democratic party.
Written by Michael Frizell, illustrated by Juan Burgos with a cover by artist Dave Ryan, the 22-pagecomicisavailablebothdigitallyandinprintonmultipleplatforms.Hardcovercopiesareavailabletoo
“We believe that it is important for readers to have inspiring role models, to learn about extraordinary individuals that have overcome challenges to make a difference in the world,” said Darren Davis, creator of the Female Force series.
He added,“We wanted to show case the strong women in today’s society that have inspired generations and shaped the culture of today.”
TidalWave has profiled politicians and celebrities for more than 10 years in comics including more than 200 comic book biographies. See tidalwavecomics.com.