The PDX Adult Soapbox Derby is back and they’re looking for volunteers to help out on the day of the derby, Saturday, August 20. Volunteering the day of the derby is one of the event’s greatest needs and it could not happen without 100+ volunteers to guide the track with a bullhorn, flag to clear the course, patch up racers who’ve taken a spill and so much more.
Derby day volunteers are required to attend a mandatory volunteer meeting and there are two opportunities to do so–Friday, August 12, 6 pm or Saturday, August 13, 12 pm. During the meetings organizers will discuss how the derby day will go, what volunteers will be doing and the rules of the race so that it is safe for both racers and spectators. There’s a lot to go over and there will be time for questions, as well. The meetings will be held in “The Pits” at Mt. Tabor Park, located in the upper summit parking lot just above the Information Center and playground.
There’s plenty of before-the-event work volunteers are needed for, too. Saturday, August 6, 8 am there will be a brush cleanup at Mt. Tabor to get the track ready for race day. Those interested in helping out should email so they can get a head count. Make sure to wear long sleeves and pants, a hat, sunscreen and garden gloves. Don’t forget to bring water for the morning’s thirsty work and if you are able to bring metal garden rakes and weed wackers, those items are appreciated.
There are also weekly meetings Thursdays, 6:30 pm leading up to the derby in person or via Zoom. Email for more information.
What would a Portland event be without beer? The derby won’t be a place to find out since Gigantic Brewing has brewed a beer especially for the event–PDX Adult Soapbox Summer Ale. Volunteer your tastebuds to try the “summer loving beer, brewed for the daring, deranged and artistic drivers of the PDX Adult Soapbox derby.” Proceeds will be donated to Weird Portland United, a nonprofit that supports the artistic risk-takers that make Portland weirdly wonderful.
Photo by Jason DeSomer