ElectrifyNow, a home electrification company, has teamed up with non-profit Families for Climate to launch ElectrifyPDX, a yard sign and home certification program that aims to educate and inspire Portlanders to power their homes with renewable electricity. ElectrifyPDX’s mission is to recognize owners and renters who have gone renewable electric and to provide inspiration and education for people who are considering doing the same.
“Most of these electric home updates are invisible from the street, so it’s hard to tell they’re even happening,” said ElectrifyPDX co-founder Eli Spevak of Orange Splot LLC. “People are much more likely to take action if they know friends and neighbors are participating and if they have guidance on what to do.” The ElectrifyPDX team worked with local designers to create a sign program and website with resources to help
Portlanders can plan for their home update and sign up for Oregon’s community solar program to start saving money on their bill. “Anyone with an electric bill can participate,” said Spevak.
Families for Climate is serving as fiscal sponsor for the project. “We are excited to host this program. Getting fossil fuels out of people’s homes is at the crossroads of public health, equity and the climate crisis. Helping families go electric is an investment in kids’ health and safety, for both their immediate indoor air quality, and their long term climate outlook,” said Nora Lehmann of Families for Climate. “Kids’ futures are on the line.”
While major federal funding is becoming available to offset the up-front costs for home electrification, no local or state public entity is serving as an information outlet for consumers. For now, volunteer organizations are filling the gap.
Since 2019, the ElectrifyNow coalition has developed a strong network of contractors and a valuable library of recorded webinars available at ElectrifyNow.net. “We’ve got to find a way to get this information out to people and train up contractors,” said ElectrifyNow co-founder Brian Stewart.
“We can help people avoid the scenario where something breaks at an unlucky time and they get stuck with another 20-year fossil fuel furnace,” he said. ElectrifyPDX will assist with outreach by sharing updates on programs that help cover the cost of electrification, particularly those available to low and moderate income owners and renters.
Wednesday, March 1, 5:30-7:30 pm an ElectrifyPDX Social Hour will take place at Baerlic Brewing, 2239 SE 11th Ave.. People can learn about converting their home to clean, renewable electricity. Bring your questions, enthusiasm and an appetite (Ranch Pizza is served at Baerlic) to hear updates on valuable incentives and the latest grant. ElectifyPDX will also be handing out yard signs and flyers.
If you can’t make it out that night but would like to learn more, visit electrifypdx.org for helpful resources, including a customizable electrification plan.