Fear No Music (FNM) presents De-Mystifying New Music: Concert 2 Sunday, November 12, 11 am at Reed College. Kenji Bunch, FNM artistic director, and Jeff Payne, co-founder and piano, de-mystify Galina Ustvolskaya’s 4th Piano Sonata. Ustvolskaya, the only female student of Shastokovich at the Leningrad Conservatory, had an unofficial ban on her works other than the public propaganda she was forced to write for the Soviet authority until she was 41 years old.
The hour-long informal, interactive, lecture/performance experience is complete with pastries from Bella’s Italian Bakery and coffee by Badbeard’s Microroastery. Tickets ($25 or more per patron suggested donation) available at app.arts-people.com. The performance will be held in Eliot Hall, Chapel, 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.