82nd Avenue Business Association
By Nancy Chapin
We are looking forward to the 82nd Avenue Parade, “Roses in the Heart of Portland,” on Saturday, April 27. Now presented by 82 Roses Community Enrichment Coalition, it remains a great event to celebrate the Avenue’s long standing history as a place to go to eat, shop and celebrate community.
We are hoping to have a photo contest in June and July to highlight the many roses on the Avenue. Is there a photographer or rose lover who would like to assist us? Is there a space that would like to host a celebration of the winners? Contact us at 82ndaveba@gmail.com.
Welcome to Spring!
Belmont Area Business Association
By Blake Armstrong
The Belmont Area Business Association (BABA) is in the early stages of planning our end of summer event: the 2024 Belmont Street Fair. Applications for vendors, sponsors and bands will open soon and we are very excited! To keep up with when registration officially begins, please follow our Instagram account, @belmontdistrict.
For membership information, please visit our website, belmontdistrict.org.
Hawthorne Boulevard Business Association
By Nancy Chapin
Happy Spring! Looking forward to the next Boulevard Beautification Bunch Clean-up on the usual second Saturday of the month (April 13). We meet at Dairy Hill Ice Cream, or you can go out on your own if that is more convenient. Mainly, we want the Boulevard to feel clean and inviting to our neighbors.
In May, we will be letting you know where any Mothers Day specials can be found. Check out our website, hawthorneblvd.com, to find our social media icons and much more.
The 41st Annual Street Fair will be Sunday, August 25. Vendor forms are also on the website.