82nd Avenue Business Association
By Nancy Chapin
The Album of Roses Photography Contest started on June 21 and continues through the end of July. Find the details at 82ndaveba.com/roses. We look forward to seeing your pictures with the locations noted. 82 Roses Community Enrichment Coalition, presenters of the Annual 82nd Avenue Parade, will assist in the contest judging.
Some of the rose gardens on 82nd Ave. are located at Springwater Carts (SE Harney St.), Motel 6 (SE Holgate Blvd.), Todd’s Point S (SE Boise St.), Unicorn Inn (SE Kelly St.), BMO (SE Division St.), Washman USA (NE Glisan St.), Central City Concern (I-84), University of Western States (NE Tillamook St.), Banfield Pet Hospital (NE Schuyler St.) and more at residents to the north of Sandy Blvd. Walk the avenue and take time to smell (and photograph) the roses!
There are still a dozen roses that need homes on 82nd Ave. If you have some space for them, let us know right away at info@82ndaveba@gmail.com.
Belmont Area Business Association
By Blake Armstrong
The Belmont Area Business Association’s end of summer event, the 2024 Belmont Street Fair, is currently accepting applications for vendors, sponsors and performers. Spots are filling up, so sign up now!
We also have our Annual Dinner coming up on Saturday, July 20. It will be held at PDX Commons and active BABA members will eat free. Everyone is invited, but if you plan to attend, we ask that you please RSVP as seats are limited.
For street fair, membership and Annual Dinner RSVP info, please follow our Instagram account, @belmontdistrict, and visit our website, belmontdistrict.org.
Hawthorne Boulevard Business Association
By Nancy Chapin
From the drawbridge to the volcano, Hawthorne Blvd. businesses invite you to eat, drink, shop, check out the historic buildings and generally appreciate one of the oldest districts in the city.
Also, mark your calendar for the 41st Annual Hawthorne Street Fair Sunday, August 25, 11 am-5 pm. There will be music, art, hand-crafted and locally created clothing, jewelry and t-shirts, plus wall, garden and home decor. You will find local food and drink options, visiting food and treat vendors, plus information from and about community non-profits. Possible locations for a special kiosk on Hawthorne will be discussed. Where could it be? Is there a location for a community plaza with a kiosk focal point anywhere on the Boulevard? If you’d like to be on the planning team or volunteer on the 25th, contact administrator@hawthorneblvd.com.