BABA President:
Constance Ihrke       Â
Meetings: Second Thur, 9 am
Historic Belmont Firehouse,
900 SE 35th
Trinkets And Treats On Belmont, was a big success on Halloween. This is the first year Belmont from 25th – 55th streets has made a big deal about all coming together for early trick-or-treating for families with younger children and older kids who love having more places to go sooner in the day. There was a great turnout of families and very clever use of the trinkets and treats theme with everything from knitting kits to bouncy balls handed out with candy from Thailand and boxes of tea and lots and lots of candy.
Membership Drive For 2015 Going Strong:
Lots of prizes and gifts for renewing or starting a Belmont Area Business Association membership before the start of the new year.
Let Belmont Family Dentistry and BABA treat someone in your business to a fully-paid first patient visit – a $350 value – or pick up 10 classes at Carpe Diem Pilates – a $275 value – as one of our grand prize winners at the turn of the new year for getting a 2015 business membership set up by the end of 2014.
Membership is open to businesses in or serving the area between Belmont and Stark, 12th and 60th.
Networking: Are you our business neighbor? Come to a monthly BABA business meeting the second Thursday morning of the month 9 – 10:30 am at the Belmont Firehouse at 35th and Belmont. BBB events (Belmont Business Beverage gatherings) are held at different locations around the district monthly on the fourth of fifth Thursday will resume after the holidays.
To join BABA, the BABA listserv or to find the next BABA event, contact Karen at /503.407.2667