Short takes…arts news of note September 15

CASEY NEILL & THE NORWAY RATS WITH SASSPARILLA Saturday, September 11 at Doug Fir Lounge, 10 E. Burnside. $12. Hearts of Oak opens at 9 pm The Norway Rats’ newest album is All You Pretty Vandals. Sassparilla closes the evening and there are two different presentations on their raucous new double CD, Pasajero and Hullabaloo.

BOOKMAKING WORKSHOP WITH ILA ROSE – Design and make your own books. A two-day course is offered September 11 and 18, 7 pm – 9:30 pm in a beautiful studio in Inner SE. The course is $99 and all the magic, materials, instruction, sources, snackage and soaring spirits are provided. Rose is an acclaimed Willamette Valley artist whose designs and paintings grace album covers and walls all over the US. See for a peek at her inspiring work. For details or to sign up, email: or phone 541.554.0612.

BIKE IN MOVIE 2015 is Saturday September 19, at HI Portland Hawthorne Hostel, 3031 SE Hawthorne Blvd., 6 – 10 pm. The film is A Survey of Open Space. Live music from Yak Attack and.refreshments are part of the evening too. Join a  free bike ride from the NW Hostel at 5 pm. See

RIPPLE GROVE PRESS is a local small press releasing two new children’s picture books this month. The Peddler’s Bed, written by Lauri Fortino and illustrated by Bong Redila and Mae and the Moon, written and illustrated by Jami Gigot (pictured at right). Ripple Grove’s first book, The Gentleman Bat, was released last year. They will be featured at the PNBA Expo here in Portland, October 3 and 4 and Wordstock November 7.

SING PORTLAND! – A non-audition community choir with weekly Sing Togethers every Thursday in Bother Hall, 5915 SE Division St. at 7 pm. This fall term journeys from African songs and spirituals, through gospel, blues, jazz, civil rights music and protest songs. Songs are call and response – no sheet music. The term includes performances at PSU Farmer’s Market, Saturday Market, The Grotto (Festival of Lights), caroling on Peacock Lane and a Singing Party Jan 30. All voices welcome. First rehearsal free.

MUSIC AND THE WESTERN MYSTERY TRADITION – Astromusik author Ezra Sandzer-Bell presents two multimedia events with co-facilitator Casandra Johns covering the history of music mysticism and its role in the 21st century, including live video demonstrations and opportunities for audience participation.Wednesday September 2 at Lightbox Kulturehaus, 2027 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. at 8 pm and Thursday September 10 at New Renaissance Books, 1338 NW 23rd Ave at 7 pm.

THE BLACK SEA, SE filmmaker Brian Padian’s debut film premieres at Living Room Theaters, 341 SW 10th Ave., Friday September 4, 7:45 pm. An official selection of the 2015 Portland Film Festival, the film, part thriller, part existential tonepoem, concerns five friends at a beach house at the Oregon Coast and what happens after one disappears. The cast includes Cora Benesh, Erin McGarry, Bill Sebastian, Matt Sipes, Joe von Appen and Corrina Repp. Both Padian and Scott Ballard will be present for a Q & A after the screening. Tickets available through

THE BEAT POETRY FESTIVAL is Sunday, September 6, 7 pm at Post 134, 2104 NE Alberta St, Camille Perry hosts a night of Beat writing and the generations of writers inspired by it. Featured poets Mike G, Robyn Bateman, Josh Lubin, Emily Newberry, Trevino Brings Plenty, Leanne Grabel and others. Music provided by Joseph Fisher, Robert Castillo, and Dave Kelsay.

Short takes…arts news of note September 15

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