By Jonathan King
Richmond Neighborhood Association held its monthly meeting August 14 at Waverly Heights Church. Sheila Parrott, Program Specialist at PBOT, gave an update on Lincoln-Harrison Greenway improvements aimed at addressing speed and volume deficiencies on the greenway. $170,000 in project costs will be used to fund speed bumps, speed cushions, semi-dividers and crossings, etc. The next steps will be to hold Open Houses in October (venues to be determined) and to send notification letters to SE Lincoln residents.
Brian Hochhalter requested a letter of support from the RNA addressing speed and volume issues on 32nd Ave. The Board agreed to prepare a letter. Allen Field introduced a proposal to improve the SE 45th & Woodward Trail. The RNA decided to request SE Uplift to be a fiscal sponsor. If funded, the project would be completed during the summer of 2018. Another application is pending for a planter project and should combine with trail improvements.
Publication of the quarterly Richmond Neighborhood News will resume this November. Board member Rob Mumford will be the new Editor.
James Ofsink of Just Energy Transition, requested the RNA’s support of a ballot initiative addressing climate change to generate $50 million in revenue with a potential $200 mission including investments. The RNA agreed to write a letter of support and to invite the presenter back when the approved ballot language is prepared.
A motion to purchase a 70 inch monitor for RNA monthly meetings was briefly discussed. A vote will be taken after discussing insurance and usage issues with the Waverly Heights Church.
The Graffiti Task Force continues its monthly meetings on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at D Street Village. Volunteers interested in helping keep our neighborhood clean can contact Adam Meltzer at A small monthly expenditure was approved for a Squarespace Platform.
The next RNA meeting will be Monday September 11, from 7-9 pm at the Waverly Heights Church, SE 33rd and Woodward St. Meetings are held in the church basement with the entry door on the east-side. Additional info can be found at