South Tabor

By Sandra Hay Magdaleno

Ute Munger reported that August National Night Out was a success with many more young people than adults attending this year.  The water events in the heat were the prime attraction.

Our next big happening is Harvest Festival 2017, September 10 from noon to 4 pm in the Trinity Fellowship parking lot at 2700 SE 67th. There will be door prizes, veggie, tool, and plant swaps, live music, and on-site fresh squeezed apple cider, barbecued corn on the cob, face painting, vendors, informational booths and much more.   We hope to see you there. Thank you Duane and all volunteers and benefactors for this great community event where there is fun for all.

The Mt. Tabor Yard project is still in discussion.  There will still be an entrance to the park from 64th and Division with construction likely to take place in 2018 or 2019. There has been much talk about the long block going into the park from SE 60th and how it should be utilized. We are in favor of keeping as much park as possible accessible to the public while supporting the needed upgrades to the Mt. Tabor Maintenance Yard. We should know more by the next issue of The Southeast Examiner.

Ute Munger is revitalizing the welcome committee whose function is to drop off a gift or two with a bit of information about STNA to our new neighbors as they move in. As a reminder, there are no fees to join STNA (South Tabor Neighborhood Association).  Qualification for membership are that you live or work in a business located within our borders between SE 52nd and SE 82nd, between Division and Powell.

STNA was designed to be a forum for fostering livability, diversity, open lines of communication, as well as a liaison and mode of participation with each other and with city, county and state agencies for the health and wellbeing of all.

George Kepnick reported that the Communications Committee is working on revamping our website, making it easier to access and to become a member. We’re excited so look for changes at within the next month or two.

The 62nd and SE Powell Self Storage application is still in process. There were 30 or more responses by the neighborhood. Many issues are being addressed by the city, PBOT, etc. Currently, we are waiting for a response from the developer and the city. The Land Use Committee, chaired by John Carr, will continue to monitor the progress and work for a viable solution.

The Kellogg School Bond passed. If there are ideas or concerns to make the construction process a win-win for all, email:

Emergency Preparedness tip for the month by Duane Hanson:   Keep an extra bag of pet food on hand. Cycle through the old bags, replacing each time with new bags just as you are doing for you and your family. There are now four people in the neighborhood who are NET trained.

Check out the Montavilla Food Co-op and become a member at: Currently there are 600 members. Once they hit the 750 mark great things will happen.

STNA’s next committee meetings will be held on Tuesday, September 19 at 7 pm and the next board/general meeting will be held Thursday, September 21 at 7 pm. Both meetings are at Trinity Fellowship with entrance from the parking in the back at 2700 SE 67th.   All are welcome. See you there.


South Tabor

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