HBBA Pres.: Hilda Stevens, BAZI
Contact: administrator@hawthornepdx.com
Board meetings: Second Wednesdays at 8 am   Â
Western Seminary Bueermann Hall, Room 201Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
If there is one thing we can be sure of as we start the new year, it is that the Boulevard changes. Some businesses leave, new businesses arrive, and businesses change hands as is the case with BAZI Bierbrasserie at 1522 SE 32nd. Previous owner/manager and HBBA President Hilda Stevens is assisting with the transfer to the new owners. Stop by and welcome the General Manager, Opus, of Thirsty Monk, to the neighborhood.
It has been 18 years since we last printed The Gazette, a quarterly newsletter that for six years, was sent out to businesses from Belmont to Stark, Division to Clinton and to the Hawthorne area. Before that, HBBA had its own monthly newsletter starting in 1983. The cost of printing, the opportunity to print some of our news in The SE Examiner, through the list serve, on Facebook and on websites have taken The Gazette’s place. We do invite you to like and post your news on Facebook.com/hawthornepdx and/or to our listserve. To join, email hbba-list-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
In addition to the 47 businesses and property owners acknowledged last month, the Boulevard’s management group, HBBA, welcomes membership support from Well Adjusted, LLC; Belmont EcoLaundry; Choose Local Media; Fred Meyer Hawthorne; Hawthorne Vision Center; HI-Portland Hawthorne Hostel; Holman’s Funeral & Cremation Services; JaCiva’s Chocolatier; Linda Scher, Family Mediator and Facilitator; Magpie; Memento; Darren Balogh, Mortgage Loans Northwest; Por Que No; Potala Imports; SE Hawthorne, LLC and The Whole Bowl.
Several Businesses also support the Hawthorne Patrol and are much appreciated.
We wish you, your businesses and families an amazing 2018.
Thank you to the 2018 SE Examiner article Sponsor: Hawthorne Vision Center and to 2018 Benefactor: Fred Meyer Hawthorne.