By Laura Smith
The joint Mt. Tabor/North Tabor neighborhood cleanup will be Saturday, April 28 at Mt. Tabor Middle School. Mark your calendars and start gathering your junk.
Recently, spray-painted x’s appeared on sidewalks in front of several homes who had posted signs reading “Safe Lincoln Street.” This act is a crime. Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association condemns vandalism and active intimidation tactics as a means of communicating disagreement, and we hope to foster a community of respectful involvement to make our neighborhood a better place. If anyone knows anything about the person(s) who committed this crime, please call the Portland Police Bureau’s non-emergency phone number: 503.823.3333.
A Neighborhood Watch program is easy to set up on your street with the help of the Crime Prevention Coordinator at ONI (Office of Neighborhood Involvement). For info, go to ONI’s website:
PCC is offering a program, for people in the community who would like to finish their high school education by getting a GED. For info, contact Lee Blackburn via email at or call 971.722.6133.
There are signs on SE 50th Avenue announcing a paving project that will take place from March 26 through July 15. Portland Bureau of Transportation says there will be a delay in the installation of the diverter at SE 50th and Lincoln until the paving project on SE 50th is completed.
Reservoir 1 in Mt. Tabor Park is currently getting its south wall restored with the diamond relief pattern in the concrete to match the original design. The Reservoirs Interpretive Project will have an open house on Saturday, April 14 at 10 am at PCC SE Campus.
Sunday Parkways in SE Portland will take place May 20 from 11 am to 4 pm. It runs through the Mt. Tabor neighborhood. For info go to
The annual MTNA board member election will take place at the May meeting. Board memberships are one-year terms. If you are interested in being on the ballot, send an email at least seven days before the May meeting to:
The next meeting of the MTNA will be Wednesday, April 18 at 7 pm at Mt Tabor Presbyterian Church at SE 54th and Belmont, with social time and homemade cookies starting 6:50 pm. For more information, please visit